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Created 13-Jul-20
105 photos

Some of the interesting sights I've seen along my journey - the ones that don't really fit in anywhere else. Some of my favourite images go in here.

Slideshow soundtrack: "How Long Blues" by SeeSee Rider @
potsdam squat #5potsdam squat #6potsdam squat #1potsdam squat #2potsdam squat #3potsdam squat #4cleopatranew800yearspond_MG_0009doorfightfacismbeelitz06032010_0057Checkpoint Charlie, BerlinCheckpoint Charlie, BerlinCheckpoint Charlie, Friedrichstraße, Berlin-MitteThe Bridge of SpiesIMG_0128IMG_0251IMG_0260

Categories & Keywords
Category:City Scenes
Subcategory:Street Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:grafitti, scenes, selfies, street